Snapshots of Guild members and their work, group activities, workshops and drop-ins.
Click on a picture for more information.
Special Projects
Weavers and Spinners’ Playlist
EHS presented our annual show in the Parkview Gallery at NPCC from March 5 to 23, 2024. Click here to see the gallery!
We’re Back!
EHS is proud to present our show "We're Back!" in the Parkview Gallery at Neilson Park Creative Centre from February 27 to March 19, 2023. Click here to see the gallery!
Fibre & Fabric Show
Etobicoke Handweavers and Spinners guild, along with Etobicoke Quilter's Guild and Etobicoke Rugcrafters, in partnership with Neilson Park Creative Centre, presented the Fibre & Fabric Show at the Etobicoke Civic Centre, from January 17 to February 23, 2023. CLICK...

The 50 Mile Coat
Increasing awareness of the detrimental effects, both on the environment and on people, of fast fashion and disposable clothing has prompted many lively discussions around the EHS studio. After 50 years of practicing ancient textile arts like spinning and weaving,...